December’s Lessons

I love December! There are so many topics that fit in well this month!

Obviously, the holidays can be tricky. The beauty of being in a small co-op is that I can adjust how much or how few holiday activities we do according to our current population! Parents are always invited to come in and share traditions. It’s important for children to learn that not all people celebrate the same holidays, nor do they celebrate them in the same way!

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‘Tis the Season… of Gifts?

Every month I give parents a calendar with the themes/topics for each day. Today and Monday, I wrote simply, “gifts.”
On Monday, our “large group day,” we’ll be very busy making surprises. Shhhhh! I can’t tell!
But today, on our “small group day” with the fours, we talked about gifts on several levels.
I love word play. Whenever one of my sons asked what a word meant, we’d discuss what it meant in THIS context… but in THAT context…

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We Have Grandfriends!

There are moments in a teacher’s life that stand out and confirm that yes, I AM in the right profession! Yesterday was one of those days!

Rocky Hill Cooperative Nursery School has teamed up with Stonebridge at Montgomery, specifically the assisted living center. Once a month, the four-year-olds at RHCNS go over to visit the seniors.

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