How to Jump Rope!

Many children become frustrated when given a jump rope! They think they can automatically spin it quickly and jump! This is when it’s essential to take a simple skill and apply a “task analysis.” (I had to do this a lot in college, and the time I didn’t quite understand why, now it’s automatic!)

How to jump rope:

1. Lay the rope on the ground.
2. Stand behind it, jump over with two feet. Repeat several times.
3. Pick up rope. Hold arms out to sides, put rope behind you.
4. Practice bringing the rope OVER your head several times, back and forth. (The children tend to bring their hands too close

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together, they need to practice keeping them out to their sides!)
5. Stand with the rope behind you. Bring the rope over your head.
6. Stop.
7. Jump over the rope with two feet.
8. Try it again. SLOWLY!
9. Over your head.
10. Stop.
11. JUMP!
12. Try it again! You’re doing it!