The Joys of Teaching

There are moments that I feel absolutely privileged to be a teacher. There are golden moments: when I get to witness the light in a child’s eyes when she realizes she can read or pump on a swing; or I overhear him say kind words to another person. Lately I’ve been lucky to have many such moments!

One of our new adventures this year has been visiting the senior citizens at Stonebridge at Montgomery. Having the preschoolers, seniors and parents together has been pure magic!
When I told the “threes” that we’d be going again, one little boy pumped his fist in the air and said, “YES! I LOVE that place!”

I had tears in my eyes the other day, as my shyest, quietest, youngest ones approached their “grandfriends” and offered them a turn at bowling. At one point, one of our grandfriends forgot they’d had a turn, and seemed confused. One child said, “Don’t worry, just take this ball, and roll it that way.” I was so proud!

One little guy even stood up in front of everyone and sang a song he’d made up!

Other highlights and memorable quotes:
Mrs. Yinden, are worms amphibians?- 3 year-old
Mrs. Linden! You should read this book; it’s about metamorphosis! 4 year-old
While watching a video clip of a dragonfly metamorphosing from a nymph: “Metamorphosis! Just like butterflies and amphibians!” 4 year-old

I was asked the worm question by a three- year-old on the playground. He’d found yet another worm, and was obviously still excited about the morning’s lesson.

No, worms are not amphibians, but their skin is very similar to salamanders, isn’t it? I told him I wasn’t sure exactly what “family” it belonged to, but I know it’s an invertebrate. We talked about backbones, and that we were vertebrates, but I’d need to research a worm’s classification.

I’ve had several people laugh at my “Precipitation” and “Metamorphosis” songs, asking me, “Why does a three-year-old need to know THAT?”

Why not? We encourage playing with toys, letters, number, why not the spoken word? When the child is ready to read and comes across them as written words, they will be familiar friends.

One of their favorite games now is when we take animal puppets and photos and classify them, asking, “Is it a fish?” “Is it a bird?” “Is it a reptile?” “Is it an amphibian?” “Is it a mammal?”

I LOVE the variations of articulation, especially “fibbians” and “reptangles.”

The children are thoroughly mesmerized by our butterflies and tadpoles!

We visited the Stony Brook Millstone Watershed Association’s Buttinger Nature Center last week.
When I told them that we would be able to release our butterflies in the butterfly house, one little exclaimed, “That’s the BEST news!”

The children absolutely loved the turtles, touching the snake, and releasing the butterflies! Special thanks to Jeff Hoagland for showing us the frog that snuck in to the Butterfly house! They have spring peeper tadpoles just like we do!

The children cheered as we released the butterflies.

It’s the end of the school year, and I feel as though I’m about to “release” my “babies” (students.)
They come in September so young, so small. They leave in May entirely different “creatures,” ready to spread their wings and fly. Like butterflies, I can witness their initial flight. Some return for a visit, others I don’t see again. All I know that it has been a privilege to watch their metamorphosis. Thank you parents, for letting me share these moments of your child’s life!