We Went to the SBMWA Buttinger Nature Center!

Yesterday we went to the Stony Brook Millstone Watershed Association’s Buttinger Nature Center.

As always, the highlights were the turtles and Mrs. Linden holding a SNAKE!

We were lucky to see the mud turtle with an egg! We watched her carry it around her tank, then EAT it!

Check out their website, it’s a WONDERFUL place.


More photos in the image gallery!

Here’s what the children especially liked:

JY: I liked looking at the big turtle and the one that was running FAST!
PL: The toy frogs and the fast turtle, too.
AbM: The birdhouse.
TM: The fast turtle!
JO: Petting the big turtle. And the fast one!
HM: The fish in the pink thing!
CB: The coral and the snake that was looking at me.
AnS:The fast turtle.
SG: The turtles. The black one.
AnM:The snakeskin.
RD: The turtle that moved very fast.
QS: The great turtle and the snake and the egg and the running fast turtle!
CS: The snake and the big turtle and the one that laid an egg.
CE: The turtles.
QC: I liked EVERYTHING! The snakes, the turtles, EVERYTHING!!!