
After reading No Two Alike by Keith Baker, we compared different objects with our younger group. After comparing and contrasting some wooden blocks, I brought out our toy guinea pig.

I asked them to tell me about it.
“It’s black and brown and white. It has four feet. It has two ears. It has two eyes. It’s fuzzy. You can squoosh it. You can put it on your head. You can throw it!”

Then I brought out Courtesy, one of our guinea pigs.

“We can’t squoosh her! We can’t throw her!” (Can you put her on your head?) “NO!” “She has four feet, two eyes, two ears, she’s soft, she’s black and brown and white and black!”

The discussions continued, using words such as similar, alike, alive, pretend, soft, shiny, and many more.

Are they alike?

“Almost, almost, but not quite!”

What about….