We’re Doing a Postcard Exchange!

This fall, for the first time, we’re involved in a post card exchange. We’ll be writing to and receiving postcards from 14 other preschools around the country (and world!)

Every Tuesday, we send out a postcard of NJ and the children tell me what they think other children would want to know about our school. Usually, they want them to know “we have a playground, a bunny and two guinea pigs.” One little guy insists that I add “We have large trucks.”

Today, I gave the children a camera so they could photograph what they thought was important in our room.

"Recycling Truck!"



"Fire Bunny!"

A chickadee!

Mrs. Linden!

More hats!

Since we have a post office box and no mail delivery/pick up at the school, I needed something physical so the children could see mail that arrived and mail that needed to be sent. Ta-Da!

Look! Can you see the postcard we received from Arkansas? Today we mailed one to Indiana!

Our mail pockets!